House in Multiple Occupation

House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) advice and guidance

HMOs are generally higher-risk premises when it comes to safety. This is recognised through the introduction of mandatory licensing, additional and selective schemes, by the relevant local authority. The licensing process and compliance to the HMO management regulations can be difficult and complex to negotiate. Although, in an ideal world all Local Authorities would have identical schemes, this is not the reality. The responsibility of licensing is generally for the landlord or managing agent. Often the process can feel daunting and includes lots of paperwork.

HMO Advice and Guidance

Allow us to use our expertise to take you through the process and offer advice on some of the following matters:

  • Inspection, audits and compliance
  • Fire Risk Assessments (See also separate service)
  • Documentation Checks
  • Advising on HMO Management Requirements
  • Licensing

Give EHassist a call: 07922 012 236

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