Expert Witness

Environmental Health Experts

Our Environmental Health experts are highly skilled, qualified, and motivated.

We can provide a wide range of expert reports for Housing Disrepair & Infestation cases, to the highest standards.

One of our main services includes providing a full expert witness service for Section 82 claims under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. This service includes the property inspection, and provision of an outcome certificate, to initiate court proceedings, followed by a full CPR compliant expert witness report.

In addition, we have provided advice and reports for a wide range of solicitors, consultancies and landlords.

EHAssist can provide expert advice and support that are Environmental Health focused. Our duty is to the court so we maintain an independent opinion that is professionally presented, either by report or attending hearings. This can lead to a swift resolution within many housing disputes. Usually, we will carry out property inspections and commission substantial expert reports that may go before the court to assist in proceedings and claims.

Issues and Sections of Legislation

Below are some of the issues and sections of legislation that a report may be required to assist the relevant courts:

  • Housing Act 2004 – Part 1
  • Section 79 (1) (a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for S82 claims
  • Section 11 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985,
  • Section 4 of the Defective Premises Act 1972,
  • The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018

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